The following is a code snippet from PowerShell to completely remove or delete a field in a SharePoint list. The code uses the GUID to find the field (column). I tested this with SharePoint 2010. Feel free to modify the code. :)
#Source Help - $web=Get-SPWeb "http://mySite/" $list=$web.Lists.TryGetList("My List Name") if ($list -ne $null) { foreach($column in $list.Fields){ if ($column.Id -eq "[GUID]") { write-host -f green "Deleting column with Internal name as : " $column.InternalName if ($column.ReadOnlyField) { $column.ReadOnlyField = $false; $column.Update() } if ($column.Hidden) { $column.Hidden = $false; $column.Update() } if ($column.AllowDeletion -eq $null -or !$column.AllowDeletion.Value) { $column.AllowDeletion = $true $column.Update() } $column.Delete() $column.ParentList.Update() } } } else { write-host "list is null" }