Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Delete a Field(Column) in SharePoint List using PowerShell

Hello People,
The following is a code snippet from PowerShell to completely remove or delete a field in a SharePoint list. The code uses the GUID to find the field (column). I tested this with SharePoint 2010. Feel free to modify the code. :)

#Source Help -

$web=Get-SPWeb "http://mySite/"
$list=$web.Lists.TryGetList("My List Name")
if ($list -ne $null) {
    foreach($column in $list.Fields){
        if ($column.Id -eq "[GUID]") {
            write-host -f green "Deleting column with Internal name as : " $column.InternalName
            if ($column.ReadOnlyField)
                $column.ReadOnlyField = $false;

            if ($column.Hidden)
                $column.Hidden = $false;
            if ($column.AllowDeletion -eq $null -or !$column.AllowDeletion.Value)
                $column.AllowDeletion = $true

    write-host "list is null"

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Force Printer Cleaner

Hello People,

I believe all of you have been stuck on printers where you send files to the printer, But they do not actually print. And later pm you try to delete the file to be printed in the printer tray and they just keep on saying deleting.

Well here is an executable file that will remove the files in the printer tray. No more printer troubles. :D

Force Printer Cleaner

Hemika Kodikara

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dummy File Creator

Hello guys,

Herewith I have created a windows application to create empty files with a specific file size. This tool can be used for testing purposes of file upload control of web applications and etc.

Dummy File Creator

Thanks :)